Ranching Practices
Holistic / Regenerative Grazing
The 777 Bison Ranch is a grass-fed cow/calf operation running 1,500 DNA tested bison. Currently, it is building the herd thanks to planned grazing techniques (Holistic/Regenerative Grazing Management). Planned grazing allows the herd to graze the entire ranch year round. It gives plants ample time to rest and recover before being grazed again and supplies sufficient drought reserves. Managing the grazing promotes higher forage production, better forage quality, and healthier plants and animals.
As we all know, the Earth suffers from too much carbon in the atmosphere, which has been shown to directly correlate with Global Warming. This warming is caused when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth towards space. Recently, the 777 Bison Ranch partnered with Applied Ecological Services for a Carbon Sequestration Test.
Carbon Sequestration is a natural or artificial process by which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and held in solid or liquid form.
The 777 Bison Ranch is testing to see how much carbon they are sequestering by using the Holistic/Regenerative Grazing model with their bison. The 777 Bison Ranch believes sequestering carbon is one important way we can reduce our footprint on our beautiful planet. Carbon testing began in September of 2016 and results will come early 2017. The 777 Bison Ranch is excited to share the results!
The Ranch uses low stress handling as taught by Mr. Bud Williams (www.stockmanship.com) and has consulted with Dr. Temple Grandin (www.grandin.com) to have safe, friendly handling facilities for both the animals and people.
The 777 Bison Ranch believes that caring for the plants, animals, and the land in a holistic natural way builds a sustainable ranch both productively and financially, and promotes a healthy environment for everyone.
100% Grassfed
The 777 Bison Ranch is a Certified Grassfed Operation. This certification means the following:
- Our animals are fed a lifetime diet of 100% forage
- Our animals are raised on pasture, not in confinement
- Our animals are never treated with hormones or antibiotics

For more information on our ranching practices please visit the following links:
Savory Institute: www.savoryinstitute.net
American Grassfed: http://www.americangrassfed.org
Holistic Management International: www.holisticmanagment.org